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Old 06-29-2001, 02:25 PM   #8

Join Date: June 23, 2001
Location: Toledo, OH
Posts: 598
Baldur's Gate II is massive and horrifyingly
addictive. I mean, I bought the game
last year, played it a little, and wasnt too
thrilled.I basically played a little into Chapter 2
and that was it. It collected dust until about a week

I popped it back in b/c my cable modem was out due to
a storm, and after just a few hours I was terribly
hooked. I look forward to playing it everyday after
work. Usually I can curtail my evening time for real
life things, but I just found myself staying up to
2:30 saying "gotta finish the quest, then find an Inn,
THEN I'll quit..." Sure.... that worked out well, heh.

I'm still in Chapter 2 but I'm having the best of fun,
I can only hope the ensuing chapters are just as good.
Fortunately I have quite a few quests ahead of me
still before I cough up the money to get Imoen so I
wont have to find out just yet!

I love the storyline, I love the richer characters and
their personalities, I love everything!

Why in the heck didn't I notice its potential the
first time I played? Sheesh.

It dominates my free time now, the adventures just doesnt seem to end, and I'm in Chapter 2! (and I bought ToB, man the fun is just beginning!)

Ooh, I can hear my portal to Faerun opening...curses that I am at work!
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