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Old 06-26-2001, 12:16 PM   #1
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: March 2, 2001
Location: Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Age: 70
Posts: 3,255
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Gnomes and Eleves. . . . . . . .. Ok I'm getting a little carried away here.

This summer and this summer only!! This coming week and this coming week only!!
Ironworks wil be...................REEKA-FREE!!! That's right folks no Reeka!! No posting, no chatting, no e-mailing!!! *Thunderous applause and cheers*

I know, it is just what you have always wanted. Offer begins June 30 and expires July 6. This is your chance to say all those nasty things you have been wanting to say behind my back. Throw wild bachanalian parties (did you hear that Rudy). One word of caution, I have spys everywhere, so if you are naughty. . . . . I will know. So go for it and have fun (and try to not forget me while I suffer in the Carribbean without you guys).

(Seriously, I can get e-mail on the ship, but will not reply, but if someone absolutely feels like they have to tell me something, I will check my e-mail a few times)

Order of the Holy Flame
Member of Clan HADB

[This message has been edited by Reeka (edited 06-26-2001).]
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