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Old 06-23-2001, 12:23 PM   #33

Join Date: May 1, 2001
Location: Demiplane of Shadow
Posts: 248
Originally posted by Moridin:
Can I put in my two cents........awww it doesn't matter I am going to anyway

It seems to me that this has developed into a 'flame' war and we are now repeating ourselves

Shadowstrider: I don't see your need to keep pushing this. The original issue was between Kiwidoc and Moni. If Kiwidoc has chosen not to respond then don't you think the issue should be dropped. I appreciate your trying to stand up for her, but you have now went beyond that. You originally started by saying that Kiwidoc never attacked Moni and that Moni should apologise or stop saying she was attacked. Now it is you that are attacking Moni! Do you see the irony?
The original thread, like Moni said, was to discuss depression, which many people on this forum have admitted to having. You however have butted in and contributed nothing to this discussion! Do you have anything to say about depression/pms?

Moni: I think this issue is resolved. There is no need to continue a worthless debate any further. While I agree with you that you never attacked Kiwidoc, I would suggest that we move on. I would like to see a new thread started for the discussion of depression and possible cures/treatments/remedies. It is too bad this one had to be ruined.

If a mod is reading this, can this thread be locked so it does not continue to disinegrate into a flame war?

You're in the WRONG thread. This thread is about my forum, which YOU TWO choose to alter the course, so using your own logic, YOU should not have gotten involve, no?

I have not flamed her, she has flamed myself, my site AND the posters of my boards. She has flamed kiwidoc and attempted to insult her proffesion, CONTINUALLY falling back on her "opinion". Opinions are lke arseholes, everybodies got them, does that make one or the other correct? NO! If your opinions are insulting keep them to yourself(if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all.).

This would never had started if Moni had not decided that kiwidoc "attacked" her, then flagrently posted it in an attempt to draw a flame from kiwi. THAT is most likely why kiwi has not responded, she doesn't want to get banned. I however am willing to get banned for something I believe is right.

Moridin, I can EASILY see that you agree and are friends with moni, which is probably the main reason why you are trying to help her. I however am nuetral, I have no love of kiwidoc, to the contrary, I never really even liked her, nor did I like or dislike moni. I am not blinded by bias I see what happened and I will stand up for the facts. Moni WAS NOT attacked in ANY way shape or form.

I offer once again, would you like me to go back and disect every sentence in the PMS thread? How about this one WHERE I have been antagonized? By your own logic you shouldn't have posted here since you had nothing to add.

As far as I am concerned this IS a flame war, however I have chosen not to insult others.

If you'de like I'll compose a list of insults she has made towards myself, my site, kiwidoc and the posters of my board.

[This message has been edited by Shadowstrider (edited 06-23-2001).]
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