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Old 06-18-2001, 10:35 AM   #4
Jack Burton

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Airstrip One
Age: 40
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Originally posted by Reeka:
Ok, if you guys have been paying attention, you know that I live in Birmingham, Alabama. Actually I live in the greater metropolitan area of Birmingham. And for those of you who don't know, Alabama is probably the most backward state of all the fifty. Some take pride in that; I don't.

Anyway, I listen the radio during my commute into the city every morning and I heard something this morning that I could not believe. One of the cities in the metropolitan area last week passed a city ordinance forbidding people to share a residence who are not related by blood or marriage.

You heard it here first, people, and only in Alabama.

So cousins are okay then?


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