Thread: Yorick?
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Old 06-21-2001, 06:30 PM   #19
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

Join Date: March 12, 2001
Location: Birmingham, West Mid\'s, England
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Originally posted by Absynthe:
Hmmm, I'm really digging this one... nothing like watching two coherent, intelligent people work through theological stuff.
I have a question that's been in me little noggin a while:

Given: That Jesus was a part of God as set forth in the AV version
Did Jesus fully understand that He would be returned to be with God after he died. Specifically, that there was no chance of damnation/purgatory/harrowing as he was a "piece" of God? And if so, would that sort of negate the whole sacrifice concept, as Jesus would return to eternal bliss after a short, albeit unpleasant, journey? The key, to my thinking, is whether jesus had to face the same decisions/consequences as the rest of us. If so, it was a meaningful gesture on God's part. If not, it didn't mean diddly.
Any thoughts?
You have raised a point that has always exercised MY mind as well! It is something I thought about a LOT! But the bible answers the question well.
Yes, at least from the time of his Baptism by John, (and possibly from age 12 when he told his mother 'did you not know I must be about my Father's work?'), Jesus knew what was in front of him. However, he knew he could also fail. If you think about his 'passion' in the Garden of Gethsemene, you will realise that he was plain AFRAID of what was before him. He was human, with human feelings and he knew was going to suffer. He could have turned away from his path and saved his life - but he would have failed his purpose, failed the trust of God in him, failed himself, failed mankind. Yes, he knew he was to be raised back to life by God and returned to heaven again, to a position higher that he had before (I'll find the scriptures if you want 'em, but not tonight!), but that does not invalidate his suffering and the sacrifice of his perfect human life.


[This message has been edited by Fljotsdale (edited 06-21-2001).]
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