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Old 06-16-2001, 04:19 AM   #29
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: June 4, 2001
Location: Los Angeles, CA USA
Posts: 340
Charean: rarely do my efforts see the light of day as a first draft. It is ok to let it roll around in your mind, collecting lint, until you are ready to pull it out, shake it off, and polish it.

I am glad to see you came up with another. Try this as a last line "a chocolate she found to suit her" Still technically correct, as you pointed out, and it rhymes.

Here is one, with my new hangout in mind (feel free to post this over the door, Ziroc)

This Ironworks Gaming Forum,
was set up to handle a quorum.
Posters try to be good,
but SPAM rules this 'hood
and Ziroc works hard not to bore 'em.

Kiwidoc: hehehe

Reeka: Nice work...

"I am working on one of my own!"


[This message has been edited by DawnChaser (edited 06-16-2001).]
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