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Old 06-15-2001, 02:18 PM   #42
Fzoul Chembryl

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Posts: 1,735
Originally posted by Ziroc:
Sorry you feel that way, but you have no idea how hard it is to run a forum. Until then, you shouldn't judge me. I've been running this forum the same way for years now, and have yet to poison anything , I have been strick on spam since the new forum too, this is nothing new. It's sad that you few guys think so lowly of me, I though I was doing a good job? Ah well.. can't please everyone..
I hope you don't think I am one that thinks lowly of you, for starting this thread I think only the best of this forum and you. I apologize if I made it seem that I was down-talking you or the great job you do here. I was merely curious and a little bit confused about 'rules and regulations'! Yes I am the type of person that has to know all the rules and regulations (it helps me know how far I can bend them without breaking them ) I love this site and think that you and the moderators do a wonderful job. Anybody that does something like this for passion rather than pay is admired in my book!


Ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect from alphabet soup?
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