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Old 06-23-2001, 10:28 AM   #67
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: May 31, 2001
Location: UK
Posts: 385
The two heads on the beautiful bard beamed at the lovely Lady of the Clouds. In perfect harmony they chimed.

"Oooh- shopping. Kiwidoc loves shopping!"

The cleric/bard spends a long, long time going thorugh the wares.

Doc pipes up "Oooh, look. Musical chain mail, just for kiwi. And its in our key too!"

A few minutes later Kiwi says "Look - magic hammers. And they are better than ours. Doc could really whop people with these - one for each hand!"

kiwidoc races to the fitting room to try on the armour! Perfect!!! Now she has twin magic hammers and bard chain to go with her magic harp, docs lips of major healing and kiwis collection of spells. Two voices singing makes for very powerful bard song. She is now truly a force to be reckoned with, not to mention she can confuse the enemy so much they just stand and stare

There is only one kiwidoc, accept no substitutes

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