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Old 06-12-2001, 02:05 PM   #9

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 44
Posts: 6,541
I hope I'm not breaking any rules by finding connections to multiple people...

-Like Kiwidoc, I am a singer, though more clasically orientated, and I love Celtic music (though not the popular modern types, prefer original traditional)
-I derive the same relaxation from music that Ertai gets from practising Taekwondo.
-Like most people, I think RudeDawg is a jerk Just kidding Dawgie!! Love your posts
-Like Charean, I love to read, and devour any book I can get my paws on. Prefer English Literature, though I also read Russian, German and French books (the russian ones in an english translation, she hastens to add ), GOOD poetry, biographies, fairytales, books on nature, religion/mythology and history, and fantasy and scifi.
-Like Lord Shield, I know the Runes and like to read about the mystical> I also love my boyfriend, who is allergic to cats, very much
-Like Bilqis, Sir Taliesin and LS, I have a pretty diverse heritage... mostly Dutch, German and Frisian blood, but also Spanish and even further back in time, Chinese and Indonesian.
-Like Row Firecam, I awful lot!!!!

Ummm.. and now about myself...I study English Literature, sing in a choir, have a parttime job at H&M's (clothes' store) and a very cute hamster called Fluffy

Melusine, High Queen of Fluffies, Archbabe of the Order of the Holy Flame and the Laughing Hyenas, &
Official Entertainer Elf of the BG2 Bar

Your voice is ambrosia
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