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Old 06-11-2001, 04:46 PM   #1
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: May 31, 2001
Location: UK
Posts: 385
I am gonna try this again as I didn't make it clear enough last time. (I am an incompetent,inarticulate fool )

I post a few facts about me. Person A sees a connection and then posts outline the connection. Then person A posts a few facts about themsleves - not necessarily the same facts.

Person B spots a conection to person A, so posts what this connection in and a few facts about themselves as well.

Along comes person C who connects to person B, writes a few facts.

Next person D connects to person C ... and so on.

A few things about me
I am an emmigrant - left New Zealand to live in the UK. I am a singer and musician (accoustic guitar) and love Celtic music and blues. I love to write poetry, prose, RPG scenarios, songs .. anything! And I am an outrageous flirt.

There is only one kiwidoc, accept no substitutes

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