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Old 06-11-2001, 08:16 AM   #22
Red Wizard of Thay

Join Date: March 20, 2001
Location: Lincoln, Nebraska USA
Age: 63
Posts: 893
I have worked in Federal Prisons, they are breeding grounds for crimminals, where they learn how to better victimize the society. Life in Prison is not life, it is 14 years if WE are lucky.
There are some people out there who are so evil, so without conscience, that any act they decide is good is acceptable. A human being, without conscience is not a human being, they are animals who only live to satisfy whatever need they have at the moment. To them the only evil in this world is that they not be allowed to fulfill a desire.
Guns....Should we now ban knives, ball bats, pantyhose or any other item that has been used for killing. Where do we stop? More people are assaulted with knives than with guns. The difference is that a gun is more lethal. But would you prefer to be beaten with a ball bat and spend your life as a veg. Perhaps cars should be banned?
As far as the FBI. They do what they can with what they have. The Corruption is everywhere attitude sickens me. It implies that all those men and women are in this for something else, for some other reason. It lessens the sacrifices of those whos names are chiselled in stone for trying to push the darkness back.
They gave up their lives to try and stop insanity and violence. Show a little gratitude. I have worked with them and have high reguard for anyone in that feild of work.
OK I am done ranting.
PS...The thing in the prison deserves no more thought from me.
Live your life as best you can.
Do no harm to others.
Love well and tryly.
Ride the waves till they break.

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