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Old 06-08-2001, 09:27 AM   #3
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: May 14, 2001
Location: Leeds, England
Posts: 384
I'll field this one...

The Euro is bad. Within the eurozone there are a dozen different countries with different economic cycles.
1)Changing interest rates for the whole lot will affect them all in different ways - some good, some bad. Nothing can be done to manipulate the "local" economies.
2)Different countries have different ways of handling currency. How many Italian Lira?
3)The UK currency is still linked more to the US$. Recent complaints about the strength of sterling are utter rubbish - I remember the US$2= £1 days. The euro is a weak currency.
4)Single currency inevitably leads to single policies such as greater tax harmonisation. The French complain that Britain's corporation taxes are too low, giving UK companies an "unfair" advantage.
5)Greater world trade is the answer NOT localised trading blocks.

Probably a few more as well. Part of the problem is that the government lies about it all. It will happen without people noticing until it's too late.
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