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Old 06-08-2001, 01:56 PM   #14

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Fljotsdale:
And Moni will not understand how come I don't believe in an afterlife!
Tsk Tsk! It is not my place to understand you. It is yours.

Interesting story though!

It reminded me of a time when years after my grandmother's death, I was traveling across country on a bus and I heard someone calling my name.
Without speaking out loud, I inquired with thought as to who it was and what they wanted.
She told me who she was and proceeded to tell me of impending danger at the next stop in the form of a gang of young men that I needed to keep my distance from if I wanted to remain safe. She described each one, their heights, their hair,even their clothing!
Needless to say, I was quite suprised to see a gang of young men at the next stop, each one exactly as she had described.
I kept my distance as a precaution (thinking I could possibly be insane for hearing her) and made it onto the next bus safely.

