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Old 06-07-2001, 10:56 AM   #5
The Magister

Join Date: March 10, 2001
Location: Brazil, IN USA
Age: 55
Posts: 126
I don't know if your baitin' a hook ST but here goes a little bit on baseball.

I don't really know cricket, but what we do is have two teams of 9 players. Each team takes a turn at batting, as batting is how you can score.

We don't call him the batsman, he is the batter.

The other team will have a pitcher who throws the ball across the home plate, and the other team whose batter is up will try and hit it. Baseball pitchers can throw the ball at up to 100mph (thats 120 kph for you all), the ball is about the size of a fist, and dense and hard (another name for the game is hardball). You see why we don't have alot of scoring in baseball, as it is hard to hit the ball, but some people do it very well.

Good to see you enjoying the game, but it is much better at a ball park with a beer and a frank (hotdog).

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"Renegade, Rebel, and Rogue"
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