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Old 06-06-2001, 01:19 AM   #7
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
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Originally posted by Ziroc:
Are 'Black Flies' the same as the common house fly? Jeez, I've always wanted to live up in Vermont or Maine (LOVE the fall colors), but they have biting flies? UGH! nooooO!!!!!!!!!

No, they are tiny nasty nuisances! But bug spray keeps them away for a while. And Z, NOTHING like the fall in New England! It is wonderful, gloriusly colorful and the air is crisp...WHOOO...get zippy just thinking of it!

Oh and those black flies? They have a fairly short cycle..not all summer. I'm going to spend a litle time and my dad's camp in NH. On a lake in the woods...loons on the lake..oh man, what an eerie sound at night! Dad and stepmom have a pontoon boat and dad says they just got a paddle boat! TEEHEE...I'll be thinking of you when I'm there, Webmeister!


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