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Old 06-05-2001, 02:48 PM   #20
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: January 7, 2001
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Originally posted by Cloudbringer:
Well, I'm not saying I have NEVER spammed, because there was one thread at the beginning of this new forum that was almost nothing BUT spam, and I did participate for a little while. I may not always have deep-thought content, but I sure do try to communicate a thought or a feeling or info or a question when I post! I was just trying to make a point, I guess, for our new members.

I remember that thread. We made fun of it over in the Wizards & Warriors forum and jeered at the participants as being "star spammers". It took most of us the longest time to get over our prejudice of General Discussions being "Spam Central Station," which may be why only very few W&W people actually frequent GD to this day.

Apologies to anyone involved in that. I've long overcome my aversion, since Memnoch and Cloudy were so wonderful in promoting General Discussions for ALL the different forums. I'm glad, too, as we now have some new people playing W&W and now I'm learning (slowly) how to play BG2.

What a long, strange trip it's been!

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