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Old 06-04-2001, 12:46 PM   #25

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Small things definitely... A grand present at Christmas time, a new jacket or shoes on your b-day is all good mind you, but I look for the day to day small things, bring me a cold drink when you see me sweating...put things away after you use them, a little kind word of re-assurance to show me that it matters. A warm touch and kiss in a grid locked traffic jam..I could go on.
For all those who have felt these things slip a little just start on your side, and see whats left. I have found out in the past that once these little things are gone so is the intimacy in most cases. You have to try yourself thow..even if things dont work, you will know that you did try. If anybody needs to have an ear for awhile I am here. I have seen my share.But dont think that if you do these little things that you will automatically fix things..I thought that when my first wife was fading it was my fault. She was cheating on me...blah. blah She faded away herself. Nothing I could do. Well, Im rambling now..
