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Old 06-03-2001, 12:45 PM   #11

Join Date: April 6, 2001
Location: two leagues down
Posts: 1,081
Originally posted by RudeDawg:
Sounds nice...

Now, I take exception to the OAK comment...
My choice of wood is typically walnut....


I have recently been spending a lot of time with Maple for the past 4 years but am currently itching to get into Walnut and Cherry. I'm also toying with the thought of working some of the exotics like BuaBunga (sp?), CocoBola (sp?) Lacewood, Zebrawood, Rosewood, and Teak.

Maple is a very unforgiving wood to work due to its density and hardness (two of the reasons I would like to work something else). What is Walnut like?

On a related note, what finishes do you like?


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