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Old 06-02-2001, 02:53 AM   #18
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: February 28, 2001
Location: Boston/Sydney
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Cool! I've been thinking of upgrading for a while, but everytime I decide to do it, a new chip or something comes to market. The speed to market in this industry is amazing, would put FMCGs to shame. I just need to evaluate the cost of getting a new one (to get a 800MHz P3 with all the bells and whistles would be about $1500AUS I'd say). Now I can spend that one of the following ways:

1. Buy a new computer
2. Towards a new car
3. Towards a DVD/Home Theater System
4. Going to Greece to meet up with my girlfriend
5. Save the money!

And I'm currently happy with my laptop now, except for the DSL thing which I will check out on Monday. I'd certainly be happier with a new one, but you see my dilemma.

But thanks for all the replies here, definitely food for serious thought.

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