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Old 08-29-2001, 04:33 PM   #30
Father Bronze
Baaz Draconian

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Northern Illinois
Age: 55
Posts: 719
Two months later and still no answer, Father Bronze enters the scene with further speculation . . .

In his younger days, our esteemed webmaster spent many an hour working the chat rooms and bulletin boards discussing gaming with his friends. Of particular interest to our younger webmaster was battle strategies.

He was known somewhat as a brilliant strategist. While his allies suggested rushing the enemy horde with a batallion of knights, our webmaster suggested a more subtle strategy. He suggested that the knights sneak through the battle field the night before the battle, leading their horses to deposit "droppings" in key places around the field. The next morning when the horde advanced, our webmaster then suggested that archers fire at the enemy horde, forcing the enemy to creep across the battle field on hands and knees. The enemy soldiers were so demoralized at getting their clothes all soiled with horse manure, that their morale broke and they ran for the nearest river. Then our webmaster's forces rushed in to secure the battlefield.

However, our webmaster was very careful with his plans. He never e-mailed the plans directly, but rather relied on a complex series of heiroglyphics to convey the strategy. On one such occasion, he tried to tell his ally that they should zig-zag their way over the mountain so that they could scout the enemy position. Unfortunately the ally was very poor at decoding the message and instead took the zig-zag, the eye, and the mountain as a signature. The ally pondered the meaning of what he was certain was a name, and came up with Z-eye-rock. And so the confused, but faithful ally responded to our webmaster, "Thanks Ziroc. Our forces shall win the day."

Try as he might to get the faithful ally to understand the coded message, our webmaster finally gave up on heiroglyphics altogether. Our webmaster replied, "Send scouts to see over the mountain. Thanks, Ziroc." And from that day forward, our webmaster was known as Ziroc.

Most Subtle Official Straightman of the Laughing Hyenas -- Grammarian Brigade.

[This message has been edited by Father Bronze (edited 08-29-2001).]
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