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Old 06-03-2001, 09:06 AM   #133
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: May 26, 2001
Location: ehrhardt, sc, usa
Posts: 12
saymasar steps quickly through her portal,beautiful blonde warror that she is, feet planted, waiting for a pillow in her face...Hey, every one is a sleep, or wet??? Grabs LN and gives her a really big hug..(saymasar needs hugs today)figures oh well, and eats some duck, then even though it looks like he has just been beaten, he looks like he'll be out for awhile so she snuggles up next to the large wolf throughs her arms around him and goes to sleep..Ahhhhhh..sighs...

Even though I walk in this world, I am not of this world. For I am a warror.
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