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Old 05-23-2001, 11:00 AM   #15
Knight of the Rose

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Scotland
Age: 38
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Ziroc, he is "Da New Guy", but logged on as a different alias becasue he thought he could make a fresh start as a *new face*. He's posting sensibly (well, compared to some ) and should at least get a chance to make amends.

In the first place, it was only me he was *flaming* and i took no offence, and even the others that he flamed contained little offensive language and were, to my mind, quite tame. Though i undersatnd the need to keep the board clean

The descision however, rests with you, I can personally vouch for him and i know that he is sorry for his previous posts and that he can fit in here.

Thats my thought anyway.
Oh and Butterfly boy? GET YOUR OWN NAME DAMMIT!!!!


My hopes lie dashed,
Crushed from high above,
My dreams lie shattered, my heart broken,
A casulty on a battlefield called love.
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