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Old 05-24-2001, 08:41 PM   #11

Join Date: April 6, 2001
Location: two leagues down
Posts: 1,081
Originally posted by JJ/newbie:

11. Yes, we know ice fishing is "not your thing." We don't care.
If you don't understand the beauty out on a lake when it's 10 below,
then you should go home and try fishing in New York Harbor. We are
fully aware how cold it gets here in the winter, so don't block the heater
in the fish house or a real angler will kick your ass.

This is from Montana?

Any Montanan should know a real (no pun intended) fisherman doesn't fish from an ice fishing house but from the middle of a river. Hip deep in the water with a 5 weight fly rod rhythmically casting, in order to perfectly present an Elk Hair Cadis to an unsuspecting Rainbow (that's a trout for you non-fishers).
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