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Old 05-20-2001, 07:34 AM   #7

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: London, England
Age: 53
Posts: 5,164
I don't know - I like the human touch myself.
I think like many things, this will be a novelty that will wear off in time, and CG will be used primarily to replace sets/scenery/large crowd scenes as they are at the moment.
We're already in a situation where as soon as there is a new development in the use of CG in films a whole wave of films using the new technology are released, and are usually crap - just a vehicle for the technology with things like plot, script, depth and realism ditched in the race to have the best eye-candy (I don't include Shrek in this generalisation, I have heard it is a good engaging film). We see this happening in the world of games also.

Also, although it will become cheaper to produce CG effects in films as far as the technology and equipment needed goes, I can envisage a situation where top CG artists will charge fees in line with the top actors, so the spiralling cost of actors may not even be a deciding factor in whether to use a top actor or CG.


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Epona of The Laughing Hyenas
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