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Old 06-05-2001, 03:47 PM   #28
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: June 4, 2001
Location: Los Angeles, CA USA
Posts: 340
(Reading back more thoroughly, I see that RudeDawg DID mention this movie, so "Hear! Hear!" to RudeDawg! The rest of this post still stands )

Here is one not previously mentioned, but it embodies the Dungeons and Dragons theme (I also LOVE LadyHawke): Hawk, the Slayer

I fist viewed it on TV, and the cast of characters seemed so much like a D&D party that it immediately jumped to mind. There is even a elven crossbow (fast shooting) wielded by an elf, a dwarf with a hammer, etc. It is a great movie.

See this, if you can. You will agree.


[This message has been edited by DawnChaser (edited 06-05-2001).]
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