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Old 05-12-2001, 01:47 PM   #16

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Reeka:
Sir T: I have heard of Planescape Torment. Tell me about it. I might want to try it. Playing HOW at work now. (Shhhh! I didn't really say that I play at work! The boss might hear. Oh, yeah! I'm the boss.... doesn't matter).

Well in PSTMT you play an immortalwho must regain his memories of his previous existance. You are al classes, but only ever one at any one time, and you can only level up when someone wll teach you a new skill. This is how some of the RPGs I started on used to work, had to train to level up. Anyway from what I hear it is plot intensive, and is very much steered towards dialogue interaction. In fact most experience and information comes from saying the right thing to the right people at the right time, fighting is secondary. Haven't actually installed it yet as I'm finishing BG1 + ToTSC, but my friend who has given me the info above.


Holy Avenger of the OHF and part time Pinguindiebjäger