Thread: Tobbin says hi!
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Old 05-14-2001, 12:41 PM   #35
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
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Originally posted by Black Knight:
Cloudy and Moni: Let's just say I have a vast amount of Star Trek Reading and watching under my belt. The best books have to be the DS9 ones. STNG was okay, but got repetitive trying to stay in line with the TV show. DS9 Characters had so much more depth IMHO and Voyager was the same show, different planet. We are far away, running out of food. SOmeone help us? And the Original . . . was . . o . . .k, but .. .the ... graphics . . . and the . . .stories . . .were revolutionary . . . for it's . . .time . . .

BK, boldly going where no one wants to go . . .
I loved DS9. Had it's share of problems, storywise, but was very good. Hmmm..Moni? If we are in DS9, I'm gonna have to go with the doctor- Bashir...cutie with an exotic accent...LOL

ER, where was I, BK? Oh yes, Ds9 was very good. No question. But for pure Gene Roddenberry style Trek...the original and TNG were it. And I LOVED TNG. Had a few weak episodes, most series do, but it's strong ones were outstanding. The Klingon Succesion storyline as well as the Borg appearance on the scene were riveting. And nobody made me laugh as hard as Deana Troi's mother...HAHAHAHHAHA

Uh, I had a whole chat about this someplace...old board maybe? A Ziroc thread on tv shows....I'll look for it.

The original was SUPERB for it's time. No question about it. Been into Trek since 1969....but not the 'fan novels' etc. The officially sanctioned programs. Lost interest in mediocre novel after mediocre novel ages ago and stopped reading any. The first James Blish one was good...can't think of the title, but it was an expansion of the Organian plot in one show. Good book.


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