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Old 05-15-2001, 01:47 AM   #17

Join Date: April 6, 2001
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Posts: 1,081
Originally posted by Cloudbringer:

It's well earned! How's the mom-to-be doing? SOON isn't it? The projected arrival date?


The due date is 5/26 but in reality it could be any day now.

She is doing well although a little unsure of her new role as a stay at home mother. Her last day was Friday and she immediately informed me of her discomfort with leaving her classroom, in order to stay home. However, she thinks it's important (so do I) and I doubt this feeling will last.

Did you catch my Hay-On-Wye comment (in a different thread)? I think you would like it (I know this may be a big assumption).
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