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Old 05-08-2001, 10:46 PM   #7
20th Level Warrior

Join Date: April 9, 2001
Location: Dallas, Tx, USA
Age: 55
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Originally posted by onthepequod:
1) You forgot Okra, Black Eyed Peas, and Grits. All I know about these is that they all taste terrible.

6) The Alamo looked bigger in the movie.

12) Excelent!!

13) See my previous post about Yahoos (pronounced Yay-hoos) stopping in the middle of Main street.

14) The best babequed Armadillo and Possum I've ever had was in Texas. Come to think of it, that the only place I've had these.

Just Kidding LoneStarDawg!
Actually, my father was born and raised in Memphis, TX.
1) I must admit to liking Black Eyed Peas and Grits. Okra is only good DEEP FRIED, but then again, what isn't?

6) The Alamo WAS bigger in the movie. The only part still standing is part of one wall, and the tiny mission.

12) I ain't kidding. My grandmother was a Texan married to my Mexican grandfather. She carried a whip everyday that she could walk (she herded goats with it.) I felt that whip MANY times....

13) We also stop to let others into traffic, even if there is nobody behind us.

14) Again, I must admit. I've eaten armadillo, and possum. I've also eaten rattlesnake, gator, gator-gar, and many other things you don't want to know about.


The RudeDawg
Known in these Forgotten Realms as Perin LightEyes
and my girlfriends, Pamila and Phil
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