Thread: Animal House
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Old 05-02-2001, 10:57 AM   #9
Jack Burton

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Airstrip One
Age: 40
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One day I will get more acreage. We plan on having a horse or mule for each one of us. That would make 5 of them. Definitely need acres for that. What kind of a dog do you have? Wylie is a hound, red bone and another mix I can't remember at the moment. And he whines and whines. And bays and bays. Really annoying when you are trying to sleep.
Yes, I have a Cricket, a very big Cricket.


Sorry Draconia, my comment was a cricket joke, I love to bait the aussies .

I had a dog which sadly died some years ago. Her name was Cindy and she was a cross between a golden labrador and a whippet (difficult to imagine but true). I live in a second floor flat now and having a dog isn't really an option I'm afraid. I would love a Weimarana, those things have such class.


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