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Old 05-02-2001, 10:27 AM   #19

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Utah
Posts: 581
It is really hard for me to describe myself. I will give what some people have said to me. (Mostly my husband)
Bad side:
I am very moody, no self-esteem, no self confidence in the stuff I do, won't take no as an answer. I am sure there is more but can't think of anymore.

Good side:
Good wife, good mother, I care about my friends and will do whatever I can for them, I have been told I am talented(I don't see it) and I would do anything for my children, no matter what it is.

The life of my dream:
I want to see my kids grow up and have happy lives. My children are my dream. To know they are happy and safe is all the dream I need.


Draconia, Dragon Queen
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