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Old 05-02-2001, 04:52 AM   #13

Posts: n/a
Bad Side

I'm Lazy that's the main thing.
I'm only prepared to work for something when I'm either forced (and not even then always) or I like it
suffer from extreem moodswings
lack of confident and the constent look for both reconition and fame
closed minded (chaotic in aligment way)
and I'm just Chaotic

Good Side

I care for people I cannot stand intolerance and/or unequilaity (rasism, sexism, ageïsm)
socialist by hart (i concider that to be good)
I'm smart, trustworthy, hold on to my true believes, good at what i wanna do, detailist when needed, can feel moods and personalities of others (I'm just some sort of shrink) (BTW that's the downside of this forum i cannot see the way your faces are twisted and turned) and imagitive

Life of my dream

Somewhat the same as now but in a world where there is no rasism, violence (unless in Videogames ) intolerance of any kind
And I wish i had more Truly good friends coz i notest the last couple of months a lot of people let you down when things aren't going the way you want them to go


The Githyanki Necromancer - High Magician of the Holy Flame