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Old 05-01-2001, 06:35 PM   #3
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
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The levels are all different, RudeDawg and quite frankly...our Illustrious Forum Master changes the required numbers and titles now and then...maybe on whim (hehehe) but also to keep it interesting. I suspect the side benefit of discouraging a 'race for titles/numbers' is in there too.

We had a bad time at the beginning when we moved our old board here and the titles became available. Lots of folk went a little nuts and posted total nonsense (spam) to boost their numbers in a competition with everyone else.

Ziroc finally had to step in and ask that people not post junk to get their numbers up.

Anyway... that didnt' answer your question very completely, did it? LOL...

Different distances between the diff levels. Maybe Z will tell us all the new titles...or maybe not.. he likes to keep us in suspense! I never knew what mine would be till I got them.


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