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Old 04-28-2001, 09:37 PM   #26
Jack Burton

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Airstrip One
Age: 40
Posts: 5,571

Originally posted by Davros:
Yes Donut I would be wearing RED - is there any other colour - "Go the Gunners" - I did email their office because I am flying in that morning, staying the night, and flying out to Jamaica on the Sunday. Am hoping one day to get to see them. Guess I will try again in August when I have more time (will be on leave that time at least). Have only seen one football game over there - saw Derby v Borough at Pride Park in 99 (still backed the reds - only one red to NOT support - those damned devils - urgh).

Warnie is not that old - this from the country that served up Goochie, Cowdrey and Boycott until just about in their 50's LOL . Yup, the Lions are coming, but not to Perth I don't think (pity).

Davros - I am serious about that ticket. If you are really interested I will make enquiries about it tomorrow. It belongs to a friend who's girlfriend doesn't want him to go to football. (She's from New Zealand). You would need to meet me outside Highbury on the day. Let me know.


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Official Titterer of the Laughing Hyenas
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