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Old 04-27-2001, 06:18 PM   #28
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Monroe, LA
Age: 60
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in a bizarre turn of coincidences, the ISP where my domain is housed went bankrupt over the last couple of weeks. (They used to be my old dialup ISP...and I changed companies to get DSL only a bare 3 days before the old one went belly up!! Talk about close). So I've been doing the monkey scramble like Ziroc did to find a new host (which I now have...I'm just waiting for the DNS to move it's laggy self and point to the new host). Fortunately, the old site is still functioning (miraculously) but I don't want to do anything to it as I have everything backed up onto a CD-ROM and don't feel like reburning anything. So until everything settles down, I'm in cyber-limbo. The worst part is that Network Solutions (i.e. InterNIC) still has my old e-mail address (the one at the downed ISP) and trying to get them to change it...well, I think it's easier to deal with the government. I'd rather try to pass a bill through Congress than deal with InterNIC again. So I'm hoping everything will go through before the old site goes down. Right now, it feels like a race against the clock.

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