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Old 05-20-2002, 09:25 AM   #1
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: March 4, 2002
Location: Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Posts: 19
Might be a spoiler read with caution
I have been playing through the Jahiera romance...going along doing my good deeds...solving quests and working toward leveling up to 14 (I am a druid)...dee-du-dee-du-dee....

And, not really paying attention, I let my reputation get up to 18....All of the sudden Jahiera dropped her famous "where to now fearless leader" line on me...Oops! Is the romance dead?

Shortly after her "fearless leader" line, I did get one more dialog...About her armor being dirty and needing to be cleaned...I was going to choose the second response - don't remember what it was, but basically it was the "middle ground" response...But I acidentally clicked #3 which was the very weak "your armor looks well worn - well worn on you" line...heh...Would that line work on anyone? She thanked me for trying to cheer her up, but then told me that my silver tongue needed some smithing that it was too blunt...Oops again!

So, is the romance terminally damaged? Is it too late to salvage? Should I run out in the street and slaughter a child in front of her to lower my reputation and thus impress her?

Consciousness is only achieved through pain ~ Jung
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