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Old 04-07-2001, 11:05 AM   #15
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: either CA or MO
Age: 42
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Strahd Von Zarovich dude, i dont understand what you trying to say. threat threat, always threat. it is not about fight or battle or war. china cannot win because war is not an option, therefore it is not going to do it. it is doesnt matter how much army one has, or how many nuclear bombs one can launch. china would be no threat if american government dont stick his nose in east asia.

you just empty talk such as "US would win in a war against china." those assumptions should come with circumstances. without circumstances, just simply assume who is gonna win makes no sense. also, does it matter? is it such a good thing to celebrate that US army destroyed chinese army or chinese army destroyed us army?

let us pray there be no war

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