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Old 04-06-2001, 05:24 PM   #7

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Dundee in Bonnie Scotland
Posts: 543
Hi Yorick
Wondered where you got to. Was going to report you MIA. How's the lovely Mrs?
Good to have you back. Haven't forgotten our get together in bonnie Caledonia have you?
Marnie's fine, she really enjoyed Norway, especially A-ha, as you may know she is a big fan. Very young crowd, which suprised me and 23,000 turned up in all for the 2 days. Not bad for a bunch of ageing pop stars. I must admit they were better than I expected.

Any idea when you are coming back this way? You know there is an open invitation, just tell me when so I can make some arrangements.

Hi Moridin!
Stealthy! How the hell are you???!?!?!???!?!??!?!!?!??!?
How long has it been
It's been 10 days since my return, but I have been bushed and I have had a plague of backache and migraines, so I kept my on-line time to a minimum, mainly replying to my e-mails etc. Nice to back at long last!

Hello Ramon, how are you all? Recovered from our duel yet?
Welcome back, Milord ! How have you been ? I have been told you were on holidays:
I hope you had a grand time !
Yes thanks, we had a wonderful time, Norway was beautiful and the weather fantastic! Brilliant blue skies every day and Cloudbringer was especially kind as the only clouds we saw were on our return, probably due to all the burning livestock Lets hope your sig doesn't get infected!


My doctor told me to eat more, but all this spam hasn't helped.

Click here for the album site.

Shadow Mage of the OHF.

Funny Bone of the LH

[This message has been edited by Stealthy (edited 04-06-2001).]
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