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Old 04-04-2001, 06:25 PM   #48
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
Posts: 19,737
Originally posted by MILAMBER:
I am a project manager for a telecommunications company out in California. A lot of times I am out in the field, but when I am in the office, I try to stop in here as much as possible. How bout' you CB. You are a secretary, correct? Busy at work today?
Yes, Secretary. Busy isn't the half of it. My boss is coming back on Monday after 8 wks of maternity leave and I couldn't be happier! I have a major event to deal with tomorrow and just today, I'm casually informed that the local news will be there and photographers etc. Then the prof who is behind the project tells me he told the reporters (mostly newsletters etc) that they could talk to ME about the contest workings (it's a state final for a national contest of Spoken Russian for school kids...about 10-18yrs old). I am now tearing my hair out because I'm barely ready (thank God this like my 10th time doing it!) and expecting to have to speak on behalf of 150 kids, a dozen schools and my own university...sigh...
Bili! HI! Still a little nauseous? Hope the broth helps.

LoA don't you dare spike her broth!



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