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Old 04-04-2001, 07:20 PM   #112
Drizzt Do'Urden

Join Date: March 3, 2001
Location: Columbus, Ohio USA
Posts: 650
Hello Cloudy, is it, and F, for short I believe, very nice to meet you! Thanks for the welcomes. Most call me mammaw, you can pick whatever you like or whatever is easy, matters not to me. Yes I do have grandchilden who play; my grandson in California is 17 and plays, my grandaughter, who lives with me, is 8 and she plays some. I have another grandson by marriage who is 7 and he plays. The other 3 grandchildren are too little to play yet. I also have 2 cats, a skinny vanilla one named Dr. Leonard J. McCoy (nicknamed Bones) and a black and gray tabby named Baby (who is a big baby) both males; and I also have a beautiful cream and white female dog named Ezra who has one blue eye and one brown eye. This seems to be a really nice place to visit! Lots of females standing up to be counted - too cool. Oh and by the by, I am 52.

mammaw's know all, see all, tell nothing
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