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Old 03-31-2001, 12:00 AM   #55
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
Posts: 19,737
WHOO! Uh, hi Raistlin...(gingerly steps into thread, hopes Raistlin is only kicking whiners tonight....) Uh, any particular reason for the bad mood?

And for the record (to be ontopic) I also appreciate knowing when someone I know here is away for specific reasons, like this weekend LadyZekke is moving into her own house so her isp connection is down. And I am annoyed by "I'm leaving because everyone hates me posts" alot of the time. I do agree with those who say that sometimes those posts are really about reaching out for support, but I would like to hear the 'help me' rather than I'm leaving, I guess.

And to all of you out there, I love the forums and I hope that if you feel like you haven't had enough attention for what ever reason, you'll understand it's like that for EVERYONE at some time or other!


StormCloud of the Black Knight
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