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Old 03-31-2001, 02:18 PM   #15
Very Mad Bird

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Breukelen (over the river from New Amsterdam)
Age: 52
Posts: 9,246
Originally posted by Moridin:

Anyway....I made it into London early on Wednesday. Spent all day Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday sight-seeing and pub-crawling. Can anyone tell me why the Pubs close at 11:30 in London? Not even so much as a last call. They flipped on the lights at 11:00 and yelled for everyone to finish up and get out. The first night we were sitting with a group of young Argentinans (in London for some university trip, with their professor). When the lights went on at 11:00, this old professor (I swear he must have been 80!) starts yelling at the top of his lungs in Spanish (my friend translated) about how the pubs in London are shitty. That they should have stayed in Argentina where at least you can drink all night and are not forced out by some f***ing bartender! Finally his students settled him down and we left to find a late-night disco to pacify the old man. It really was the funniest thing I saw even though I didn't understand a world the guy was saying

On Friday night I was lucky enough to get tickets to Les Miserables. I have seen Les Mis 8 times around the US and Canada and I have longed to see it in London, where it opened almost 16 years ago. So to finally have the chance was a dream come true (Ok I am pathetic ).

The next big 'bonus' of the trip was being able to see Tony Blair! I was outside Downing Street (they have it gated off for obvious reasons) and there were TV crews outside the PM's house. I asked one of the gaurds what they were there for and he told me that Mr. Blair was about to leave. So I waited around for nearly 20 minutes until he finally came out. He gave a quick interview to the TV crew and hopped in his car. I was at the gate that he was exiting and was fortunate enough to have the car stop right in front of me. The driver and the guard exchanged a few words and I snapped a couple of quick photos

Those are the big highlights of the trip, but I may post more later!

The experience with the old dude sounds very funny I can picture it now. Glad you got to see Mr. Blair and Les Mis too. Sounds like you had a ball Moridin!

"Check the sustain on this one ... aaaaaaaa, I mean you could go out for a bite and there'd still be aaaaaaaaa"

"Can I touch it?"
"No. It can't be played"
"Can I look at it?
"No we've seen enough of that one....."

A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!

[This message has been edited by Yorick (edited 03-31-2001).]
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