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Old 03-30-2001, 08:20 PM   #193
Red Dragon

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Holiday, FL
Age: 57
Posts: 1,507
Originally posted by Lord of Alcohol:
I'm back LadyCloudyFreshTurnipofLove! Miss me? Dinners been ordered, maybe tomorrow we can eat out? Lets see, Mortons (or however they spell it) for steaks? And for dessert....hmmmmmmmmmm,.....maybe CloudySurprise?

Tobbin, funny thing happened at the EXACT moment I was reading your post about connection problems. I was booted. Aint aol great? I tried Earthlink but they arent much better, despite the advertising. Gotta a cheapo camera that I have to buy for trying though
You know, seeing as you mentioned AOL, if it wasn't for AOL closing every damn thing out when it goes offline, I wouldn't be so upset. I can understand that they are busy. Most servers I have been with have had a similar problem, though AOL is 100 times worse than they are. The one thing I really hate is when I am typing a reply (or beginning one) to a message and have already entered in like 4 paragraphs and was just hitting < SEND >, when AOL decides to crap out. I can only watch my message disappear and (if I hear the click of the modem fast enough), try to cut and paste the message before it disappears. I did help change the fact of AOL mail because of that though. I wrote a really nasty letter about six months ago complaining about that very fact with AOL. They changed Ver 6.0 where it doesn't do that anymore. No, that isn't the mail I'm talking about. I usually use hotmail because I like to get HTML mail rather than that hellspawn AOL MAIL. Well, anyways, that rant over. Other than that, AOL has a lot of bennies. My homepage is one of them. I have linked pics there for awhile now (at least longer than with Tripod and Geocities) and they are still there. If they drop me out from that bennie though, I will quit and never return to AOL. Anyways, hoping to get cable connection soon. Don't know how soon as Time/Warner is slower than a dead man walking, and GTE doesn't know their a** from a hole in the ground. Ok, really, rant is over now. Sorry that I snookered in one last one there, but that's how upset I am about all of that.


Protectorate of the OHF
Death Waits 4 U ALL

[This message has been edited by Tobbin (edited 03-30-2001).]
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