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Old 03-28-2001, 10:10 PM   #300
Baaz Draconian

Join Date: March 26, 2001
Location: Minnesota
Age: 48
Posts: 740
Originally posted by bilqis:
Okay. I'm getting silly now. Sure sign that it's time for bed.
**bilqis stands up from her chair.. pauses to steady herself on the table, then moves slowly and somewhat wobbily toward the stairs where she again pauses and wonders when the stairs got so TALL!**

G'night friends! Have a wunnerful evening together. 'hic'

LadyZ, I'm going to miss you lots! Don't worry, no one will forget you. I'll remember to pray to the internet gods every night before I sleep that you get hooked up very soon. Maybe even by MONDAY?? (hey, it's good to have dreams...)

Goodnight all!

Good night, bilqis! I shall try my best to wait patiently until we can dance again.
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