Thread: Clan Religion
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Old 03-26-2001, 06:02 PM   #22

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 44
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Rikard - Some of the Norse/Celtic/Saxon gods get a little confusing as often is the same god, same name but corrupted to local dialect eg. wodin/wotan/wuotan etc.
Melusine - "

Roman equivalent: Mercurius or Mercury for you English-speaking Latin-deformers,"

pretty harsh from someone who's country did their level best to introduce irregularities ito our language! Did you know "yacht" was originally written "yot" in English as it's pronounced. But since the Dutch printed alot of the books for England, they used to change English speelings to Dutch ones. No wonder nothing's pronounced like it's spelt!

SirTainly: the first is true of almost all mythologies: Wuotan/Wodan etc but what about Ishtar/Inanna/Astarte/Artemis... they all come from the same root! So that's not could just use the official English spelling if you like
On the second point, you forgot to include my smiley which takes the harshness away IMHO. BTW About the Dutch influences in English, I'd say 1. they are much more obvious in Scots and 2. what about the thrice as big English influences in Dutch!
I think yacht is pretty much an exceptional case, have you ever considered how many words have 'g' sounds in them that aren't pronounced, like in Knight, through, night, thorough, thought? These are not from Dutch but from Old English which does have connections with "Dutch" (its predecessor actually) but more so with Frisian (which I assure you doesn't sound like Dutch in the least)

Wolfie: Doh! Read my posts above! (re: osiris, looking up myths, Lovecraft etc.) It's all there! So you're a Lovecraft reader too?
I think you are totally right in calling Loke/Loki a Chaotic Neutral char, though I would include "with evil tendencies". I know it was more like mischief to him than like real evil, but by others (the other gods of the Norse pantheon but especially by christianity) he was seen as a sort of archetype for Satan.

Melusine, Archbabe of the OHF and the LH

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