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Old 03-24-2001, 09:22 PM   #278

Posts: n/a
thanx Kdog, everybody, Bahamut, I appreciate your outpouring, I think i understand what you meant, and i appreciate it. Anyway, this is what has taken up my time, and will off and on until it is done. I have one of the best lawyers for this type of stuff in town, but I have done most of the legwork and wrote and filed all of the initial motions myself, because time is a commodity that I have in greater supply than $. I also am a hands-on type, and I never want to look back at this series of events and say, if only I had done that, or I wish I had spent more time gathering evidence to support my case. Just as the time I have spent with amanda the last year and a half, I can look myself in the mirror and say that ther is NO time that I could have spent with her that i did not. I WILL be able to say the same thing about the time, effort, and thoroughness of my efforts in this endeavor, as well. It just gets tiring, and frustrating when she still flouts the parenting plan in an attempt to get a reaction from me. It is going to reduce the time I have for everything else, is all.

When given a choice, take both.