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Old 03-21-2001, 10:26 AM   #76
Gray Mage
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Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 999
Originally posted by KDogRex:
*OW!* Damnit!! What the hell is this, International Abuse KDog Day?!? Ah well, I suppose I deserved that!! You know, the great thing about being a bard my lady, is *he turns to her and looks deeply into her eyes, bringing a hand ever so gently to her ear*
that singing songs, spinning tales and picking pockets comes naturally to me. A shame that picking locks isn't so readily available to me, for the key to your heart, I would unlock in a moment, if I could, and were I not promised to another all ready *thinks tenderly of his mistress, hoping that she finds a way to pop into the inn for a moment during the day* But I shall work to gain your trust that we may continue these engaging conversations together during the daylight hours *catches his eyes drifing to her bodice, thinking nasty thoughts, and pulls himself back on topic* and perhaps, the eveings, as well...

And you call me the silver tongued Mage, I think you need to change you name to Kfox, or KSnake.

Speaking of Silver I wonder where the Thief of my Heart is, The Lady with Eyes like the full moon on a Cloudless Night( well a nite with those wispy cloud, sorry CB), I feel empty when She is not around.


Feel My Power

Arcane Adept of the OHF, "So let it be written, So let it be done"
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