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Old 03-20-2001, 11:50 PM   #38
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
Posts: 19,737
Originally posted by LadyRae:
Relic, dear heart ! Start a new post... Tell them that you'll stay... Cloudy, don't feel left out of the limelight... You are a big part of what this board is and I'm thinking I'm not the only one who has let it become a very important part of their lives! You will always be our Queen, and your handsome Black Knight our King! My Prince and I are staying. We wouldn't miss it for the world!

LadyRae, you are one of the highlights of the "new" folk. You've consoled me, made me laugh and many a time, written just about what and how, I'd have written on a topic! You and Epona both do that a lot! *the music from the Twilight Zone plays in the background* I hadn't intended for the above to be a public posting. I really thought I'd find an email addy. Guess I should have ask Pauly for it... Anyway, I'm tired and just checking in for a bit. Your Inn overtook me after I left work! I had just caught up at lunchtime and now...sigh..I'm never going to find out what is going on...I'll be pages behind for decades....LOL


Purple Rose of the Black Knight
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