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Old 03-20-2001, 02:05 AM   #23
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: either CA or MO
Age: 42
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this is a meaningful spam!!

Alrios' ring of dueling:


This ring was enchanted by a human wizard named Alrios Ganga. Alrios was the founder of an elite (only he himself called it elite) battle mage group named Wizard of the Ethereal, in 1356 PR. Theoratically, this group worked for lords to defend their casttles, settlers to raiders, travellers to bandits. In practice, they were the pain in the arse.

Alrios always had a distatse over fighters, in fact he never liked anyone else but himself. He considered those "brutal dimwits" useless and ineffecient. Therefore, his elite group had a secret rule known as the three-Never. They were:
Never cooperate (with fighters)
Never listen (to a fighter's command)
Never aim true. (that means, if you can miss fire a fireball, do it)

Not-surprisingly, his arrogance and stupidity became intolerable. After one day, Alrios openly insulted a famous lord, Muulay Bruendin, he was challenged into a duel against the lord himself.

In the duel, Alrios played his trick cunningly. He had enchanted this magical ring just for occasions like this. When the battle began, he called his ring's power and he was protected by his spells in an instance. No matter how skilled Lord Muulay was, all his powerful blows were deflected harmlessly, and Alrios stood there laughing and instulting all the while. Then, just when Alrios had enough fun and was about to finish-off this mortally humiliated lord, he found all of his spells are lost from his memory. Panicking, he tried to use a potion of invisiblility to escape, to his horror that the potion did as much good as pure water. The next thing he knew was something cut him in half...

The historians called the year since 1358 PR as the "time of troubles", all magic were denied to function, gods were murdered and the world of Faerun fell into an utter chaos.

Type: ring

+1 AC
also, gain +1 AC against slashing weapon

cast blur and ghost armor at the same time once per day

Usable by:
single class mage
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