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Old 03-19-2001, 10:44 AM   #10
The Magister

Join Date: March 10, 2001
Location: Brazil, IN USA
Age: 55
Posts: 126
I recently saw the web site on the Robin Hood series you are talking about, sounds neat. I'll have to see if it is on BBC for stateside (we get one on our satelite dish, its BBC stateside?).

I liked Kevin Costner's version because it was great at getting chicks . For some reason when it came out, that song from it (by Brian Adams) and the movie were very popular with the ladies in Panama. We used to go to a disco and it was something the girls wanted to dance to, plus they never said no to coming over for movie night when we played that one. It was a chick flick that most of us GI's could handle

I forgot all about the one where Sean Connery plays Robin Hood, that was a good one too!

The reason for the fox in Disney's is that it is a good tale, and it has Roger Miller in it as bard (minstrel). Roger is one of the all time story tellers if you ask me, and it is from my childhood, so you know that sentimental thing.
Plus my son likes it (hey the 5 year old has got style).

Personally, I think Americans shouldn't even attempt another accent. We have are own, and don't need to screw up another countries too. But then again the states have so many accents, we can really mess with peoples minds. We had one unit that was a mix of New Jersy, New England, Mississippi, New Orleans, Texas, Georgia, Detroit, California, and Indiana. Maybe it was the beer that let us understand each other so well.

Drink and be merry
"Renegade, Rebel, and Rogue"
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